You put what in my food?

I don’t know if you’re at all like me - but I have come to question just about everything these days. When I started taking better charge of my health and nutrition I was amazed at the foods I once thought to be healthy and nutritious, were in fact just the opposite. Brands that have been around for years!  I trusted them. You probably do too... I started doing research and tons of it. What I discovered had me so upset. My body is my vessel and I choose to keep it clean, but how could I if the foods I consumed were chemically and genetically modified?  It didn’t make sense to me.

Before embracing my health for what it was (at the time not so great) and my desire to improve it - I was sick!  How could that be, I had always been health conscious and thought I was on the right track, so why was I ill?  I was malnourished (not to the extreme way you may see in photos of other malnourished persons) but in the way that my nutritional values were skewed and I was off, big time!  I didn’t feel well.  I was tired, I was stressed - I was on High Blood pressure medication and anti-anxiety drugs.  Recipe for disaster.  I felt over medicated and unlike myself.  I didn’t want to believe this was normal for me even though genetics and heredity play a big role in our overall health.

I wanted to change all that!  There had to be something I was missing - but what was it?  So little by little I began examining ways to improve my personal health - my quality of life and ultimately it changed the way I live today!  I read labels.  I researched manufacturing.  I learned more than I care to know about GMOs and chemically modified consumables and goods.  Literally, day after day I was throwing things out of my pantry left and right - searching for cleaner options. Today I feel very confident that all that time (and money) was well spent because I had a vested interest - my health!

Not only did I work on my physical well-being, I dove into my emotional wellness (the anxiety component to all this) and learned invaluable tools that helped to relieve my anxiety (for good!) by getting to its core.  That’s where my love for “energy “ came from and began.  There is so much to talk about when it comes to energy and I certainly plan on doing so in future blogs but for today I’m going to stick with chemicals...

Part of my journey towards better health and wellness came by the way of beauty products: shampoos, conditioners, styling products, cosmetics and nail care products and polishes.  What I found there astounded me too!  Some of the chemicals (carcinogens, solvents, compounds, etc) and practices utilized here in the United States for product development and manufacturing are not even allowed in other countries!  True story, scary!  

That’s when I took a closer look at nail polish.  Good gosh, it was loaded with endocrine disrupters.  Who wants that?  Especially with just about every woman I know who wears polish on their fingers and toes - on the regular!  And not just the women I know - but women all over the world!  You may say “nail polish, it’s just a small amount of chemicals they won’t hurt me” but how often do you polish your nails (manicures and pedicures) and for how many years have you been polishing your nails?  Those small amounts over time can lead to bigger problems and attribute to health related issues further on down the road.

I desired somehow to change all that for the greater good.  For all the likeminded health conscious women and even those with allergies.  My path to health and wellness has led me here, to you - today.  I am always on the hunt for new and better products.  Whether it be food, consumables, supplements, everyday products or holistic based wellness - I have my pulse on many of them and I’d love to keep you in the loop!  So every week I’d like to sit with you - wherever you are, and share valuable information/products that may just inspire you and perhaps change your life.  We are our own gurus. Our health and wellness is up to us, no one else. It’s an inside job!




Founder YANA ™ 

10 Free Nail Treatments and Nail Polishes 

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